Newsletter – 11 November

Message from the Headteacher,

This Thursday we will be having a non-uniform day to collect donations for the Christmas Fayre. Please send your child with toys or chocolates and bring any bottle donations to the school office. Also, please remember to bring the raffle ticket money in once you have sold them. Many thanks in advance.

Learning Highlights:

  • On Friday Owls Class had fun learning about their senses and followed a rope trail blindfolded during their Forest School time. In class they have been reading ‘What Ever Next’ and have been learning about nocturnal animals, including owls.
  • Parrots Class have been mapping the story of Beegu and have been writing sentences from his perspective. In French they have been learning the colours and they have also started practicing some of the songs for the nativity.
  • Eagles Class have continued learning about the features of a river. They also enjoyed sketching rivers and exploring colours and textures using pastels. In RE they enjoyed painting their Diva lamps and learning about Diwali.
  • Penguins Class showed a fantastic attitude to their learning as they practiced SAT papers. In the afternoons they enjoyed using the water colour pencils to create portraits.

Welcome to Fay Read, who has been appointed parent governor. Fay has already shown her commitment, getting up to speed with all the paperwork and joining us for the full governing body meeting. During this meeting staff attended a session where we started to think about what we want for the vision of our school going forward. We will be in touch in the near future for further community consultation.

Miss Clarke has been attending further forest school training and has been working hard to put together her portfolio and I have had the chance to meet with other early career headteachers.

Finally, thank you to Chris Waites who gave up his evening to clean the Owls Classroom carpet. It looks and smells so much better.

Upcoming dates

We are a nut free school.

Families please note that we are strictly a nut free school. Please ensure that no nut products are brought into school or included in packed lunches (even on school trips). Please also ensure that no nut products are consumed within the school grounds at any time of day. Thank you.