Newsletter – 16 June

Message from the Headteacher,

Thank you to the PTA for organizing the fantastic art exhibition and competition, the children have loved it. Also thank you to everyone who attended and made the event such a success. Please do pop into the Cornerstone Gallery to see the exhibition of the competition winners work.

Good news – following interviews we have appointed a teacher to cover Mrs Greenway’s maternity leave. He is currently finishing his final teaching placement at Sutton Courtenay so will be able to work closely with Mrs Greenway to ensure an effective handover.

This week I attended a strategy day with RET and got to meet lots of the leaders from the different schools. I was so impressed by the expertise and experience we are already being to draw upon. With have also had RET support in to work on our maths curriculum and Miss Clarke has been impressing them with the quality of the phonics provision she has established in the school.

This week’s learning highlights:

  • Owls Class have been learning what the sea side would have been like 100 years ago and have been learning to write postcards. In forest school they have begun using tools, starting with the palm drill.
  • Parrots Class have been writing character descriptions of The Enormous Crocodile and we were all very impressed by the quality of their writing in assembly today. They have also been working on using numbers lines and understanding the concept of more than/less than.
  • Eagles Class have also been writing character descriptions linked to their book The Royal Rabbits of London. In history they have been learning about the fist Anglo Saxon settlement in the UK.
  • In Penguins Class have been polishing their persuasive letters and learning about Ratio in maths. They have also begun their history unit on the Mayans.

The children all enjoyed an ice lolly and some extra playtime today as a reward for working so hard and filling the marble jar.

Have a lovely weekend.

Gillian Fraser

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We are a nut free school.

Families please note that we are strictly a nut free school. Please ensure that no nut products are brought into school or included in packed lunches (even on school trips). Please also ensure that no nut products are consumed within the school grounds at any time of day. Thank you.